Interview on the 2024 European elections (
Taiwan PTS, 17/06/24
Interview on the 20-year anniversary of the EU' "big bang" enlargement (
Slovenian Press Agency, 24/03/24
Interview on foresight in post-pandemic governance (
Futures 4 Europe, 04/05/23
Interpreting the politics of Covid-19 -- The REGROUP analytical framework
REGROUP blog, 16/01/23
Interview on the Italian election (in Slovenian) (
Slovenian Press Agency 27/09/22
Is the European Commission’s language becoming more politicised?
EUROPP blog, 28/02/22
A guide to the election of the next Italian President
Brexit Institute blog, 14/01/22
Taking central bank politicization seriously
JCMS blog, 06/07/20
Studying differentiated integration today
EUIDEA project, 01/06/19
Interview on Brexit (
EUIDEA project, 11/04/19
Research featuring - The language of the ECB (in French) (
Les Echos, 20/06/18
The politicization of the European Central Bank: A more charismatic actor?
EuVisions, 04/06/18
Research featuring - The language of the ECB (in Italian) (
Linkiesta, 15/03/18
Whither social Europe? A conversation with Marianne Thyssen
EuVisions, 14/07/17
Tre cose da fare per difendere il lavoro
Corriere della Sera, 19/06/17
Dove la conoscenza incontra la politica
(Huffington Post, 22/05/17
Per salvare l'Europa serve il nazionalismo, ma responsabile - Intervista a Mark Blyth
Linkiesta, 08/04/17
Making nationalism responsible - A conversation with Mark Blyth
EuVisions, 03/04/17
Verso la Dichiarazione di Roma: la strada dell'integrazione differenziata
AffarInternazionali.it, 17/03/17
Interview on the future of European integration (in Italian) (
eunews, 06/02/17
, reprinted in M. Gerace,
l'Europa, bellezza!
Rubbettino, 2018
Guest commentary on the daily press review (in Italian) (
Radio Vaticana, 30/01/17
I referendum, un primo passo per avvicinare i cittadini all’Europa - Intervista a Yves Mény
eunews, 08/12/16
Taming the beast of populism - A conversation with Yves Mény
EuVisions, 02/12/16
Qualche nota su Twitter e l'Europa
Huffington Post, 11/10/16
Ue: come non farci governare dalle crisi
AffarInternazionali.it, 14/09/16
EU-related discussions in the Spanish elections: A Twitter study
EuVisions, 21/07/16
Interview on EuVisions (in Italian) (
Radio 24, 11/06/16
- from 10' 15")
Renzi vs Juncker: lo scontro visto su Twitter
Huffington Post, 27/01/16
Renzi vs Juncker: A social media analysis
openDemocracy, 26/01/16
Interview on the future of the EU (in Italian) (
Radio 110, 10/07/14
- from 13' 30")
Interview on the European elections (
Bloomberg, 22/05/14
L'Europa al bivio
(Pagina 99, 19/05/14)
Europe's critical juncture
EUROPP blog, 16/05/14
Se la Commissione torna leader
AffarInternazionali.it, 09/04/14
In defence of electing the European Commission president
openDemocracy, 11/03/14
The chaos theory of Italian politics
openDemocracy, 29/01/14
La scommessa di Schulz e dell'Europarlamento
Huffington Post, 09/11/13
A different kind of populism
openDemocracy, 05/11/13
Il feticismo dell'elezione diretta
Huffington Post, 04/06/13
Destra e sinistra: forse è meglio tenerle
Huffington Post, 21/05/13
Interview on Italy's media and elections (
CBC Radio, 25/02/13
- from 9' 20")
Interview on the Italian elections (
The Guardian, 18/02/13
Uno “speciale elezioni” per delle elezioni speciali
Il Fatto Quotidiano, 13/02/13
Interview on the Internet and information (
Belgrade Insight, 05/10/12
Legge elettorale e vizi italiani
Il Fatto Quotidiano, 10/07/12
Tweets by @pierotortola
Photograph: © 2013 Piero Tortola